What is Charting Your Course With Coaching, Inc.?

I established Charting Your Course with Coaching, Inc., in 2010 after completing life coaching training with Fowler- Wainwright International Institute of Professional Coaching. I became attracked to the field of coaching because it incorporates the concepts of spirituality, balance and the belief that the answers we seek are within us. As a life and career transition coach, I will assist you to identify your personal needs and goals. We will use this information to determine how your occupation fits into your concept of life. We will identify the barriers to attaining your vision of career success. This could mean finding your first professional position, changing your career, climbing the corporate ladder or phasing into retirement. Call me at 402.965.1496 or email me for more information. Your initial session is free.

28 February 2012

Attitude is Everything

      I recently read the book  "Attitude is Everything  10 Life-Changing Steps to Turning Attitude into Action" by the late Keith Harrell.   Reading motivational books such as autobiographies and self -help books are a great source and inexpensive way to maintain a positive outlook while addressing a life challenge.  
     The 10 steps that the author discusses are:
  1. Understanding the Power of Attitude
  2. Take Control of Your Life
  3. Practice Self-Awareness
  4. Re-frame Your Bad Attitude
  5. Find Your Purpose and Passion
  6. Be Pre-Active
  7. Discover How to Motivate Yourself
  8. Build Supportive Relationships
  9. See Change as an Opportunity
  10. Leave a Lasting Legacy
      The fact that you are reading this Blog indicates that you are addressing several of the steps.  Please note that there is a significant difference between pre-active and pro-active behavior.  A Google search of these terms indicates that they are 2 of the the 4 methods in which organizations plan.  Those methods are: reactive, inactive, pro-active and pre-active.  Pro and pre-active planning are necessary to facilitate a career change.  In the book, the 7 Habits of Highly Successful People the need to be pro-active was stressed and fully described. 
      How you perceive change is extremely important.  If the loss of your job is seen as a negative then you are less likely to want to seek employment elsewhere.  Why?  Because somewhere in your mind you believe:
  • you will never find another job or position as good as the one you had
  • that job was the only type work you can do
  • you deserve to be unemployed
However, if you can see the benefits of not having the job then you are consider other options such as:
  • being able to explore other career options
  • going back to school
  • re-organizing your lifestyle
  • having more time to pursue your personal goals
     There is the old saying "Smile and the whole world smiles with you but, when you cry  you cry alone."  By having a positive attitude, you are more likely to gain and maintain the support of people while you seek other employment.  You will appear more confident, professional as well as being percieved as being a team player during your interviews.  These are all positive attributes that any employer will want!

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