The 10 steps that the author discusses are:
The fact that you are reading this Blog indicates that you are addressing several of the steps. Please note that there is a significant difference between pre-active and pro-active behavior. A Google search of these terms indicates that they are 2 of the the 4 methods in which organizations plan. Those methods are: reactive, inactive, pro-active and pre-active. Pro and pre-active planning are necessary to facilitate a career change. In the book, the 7 Habits of Highly Successful People the need to be pro-active was stressed and fully described.
- Understanding the Power of Attitude
- Take Control of Your Life
- Practice Self-Awareness
- Re-frame Your Bad Attitude
- Find Your Purpose and Passion
- Be Pre-Active
- Discover How to Motivate Yourself
- Build Supportive Relationships
- See Change as an Opportunity
- Leave a Lasting Legacy
How you perceive change is extremely important. If the loss of your job is seen as a negative then you are less likely to want to seek employment elsewhere. Why? Because somewhere in your mind you believe:
- you will never find another job or position as good as the one you had
- that job was the only type work you can do
- you deserve to be unemployed
- being able to explore other career options
- going back to school
- re-organizing your lifestyle
- having more time to pursue your personal goals
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